Set in 1960s Oklahoma, Francis Ford Coppola's exciting adaptation of S.E. Hinton's classic tale chronicles a bitter gang war between the working-class "greasers" and the upscale "socs." When a...
Two-disc set includes: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Inspired by Arthur C. Clarke's short story "The Sentinel," director Stanley Kubrick's senses-shattering tale of life and "afterlife" in outer space...
DC 7 Film Collection: Includes the first seven DC films. Shazam/Aquaman/Wonder Woman/Suicide Squad/Batman v Superman/Man of Steel/Justice League - Set ULTRA HD
Matt Reeves' noirish, epic reimagining for the Dark Knight finds traumatized billionaire Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson) early in his second life of costumed vigilantism, and faced with the serial...
Eigh-disc set includes: Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers (1995)The sixth installment in the ever-popular series finds masked monster Michael Myers returning to his Haddonfield hometown, where...