Gotham City faces two monstrous criminal menaces: the bizarre, sinister Penguin (Danny DeVito) and the slinky, mysterious Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer). Can Batman (Michael Keaton) battle two...
Batman Beyond: The Return of the Joker The greatest villain of all comes out of the past to threaten Batman, Bruce Wayne and all of Gotham City in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, the first...
BATMAN VS. TWO FACE Holy coin-flipping conundrums, Batman! When a device meant to remove evil from the criminal mind goes haywire, Gotham City's D.A., Harvey Dent, is transformed into the sinister...
Batman and Robin, the boy wonder, swing into action when the earth is threatened by Gotham City's most malevolent master-criminals, Joker, Riddler, Penguin and Catwoman! The Dynamic Duo try to save...
It is ten years after an aging Batman has retired, and Gotham City has sunk deeper into decadence and lawlessness. Now, when his city needs him most, the Dark Knight returns in a blaze of glory...