Battleship Potemkin (1925) Sergei Eisenstein's acclaimed propaganda film well known for it's evocative imagery and it's pioneering use of montage. A dramatized telling of the 1905 mutiny aboard the...
Odessa - 1905. Enraged with the deplorable conditions on board the armored cruiser Potemkin and raising the red flag of revolution, the sailors' revolt becomes the rallying point for a Russian...
Battleship Potemkin is Jackson Del Rey's (Savage REpublic, 17 Pygmies) homage to director Sergei Eisenstein's classic silent film. In his writings, Eisenstein stated that he hoped a new score would...
Universal. 2003.1. Potemkine 2. C'est Beau la Vie 3. Les Belles Etrangeres 4. Ma Mome 5. Heureux Celui Qui Meurt D'aimer 6. A Moi L'afrique 7. La Jeunesse 8. A Santiago 9. Aimer a Perdre la Raison 10...