In a quiet southern town, popular and charismatic theatre kid Krista finds herself increasingly drawn to Nito, the new student in her high school who catches her attention with his impressive skating...
While patrolling the Atlantic in 1943, an American naval submarine rescued three survivors left adrift from the sinking of a British hospital ship. Soon afterwards, however, the crew of the sub was...
French marrieds Antoine and Olga Denis (Denis M?nochet, Marina Fo?s) had the best of intentions when they chucked their existence for farming life in a Galician village. However, they hadn't reckoned...
When disgraced college professor Auguste Porter hosts a celebration for his awful new play at his secluded mountain lodge, three strangers are caught between the evil forces borne of the surrounding...
The Ones Below is the debut feature from writer-director David Farr (screenwriter of Hanna and AMC's The Night Manager), starring the ensemble cast of Cle?mence Poe?sy (Birdsong, The Tunnel, Harry...