Playful, intricate and thought-provoking audio visual project, a mix of traditional and modern Arabic music from a sextet led by Lebanese avant-garde oudist/composer. The title (Arabic for "son of a bitch") is an epithet hurled against Turkmani by fellow musicians at the congress of classical Arab music in Cairo, which scorned his experiments. The DVD contains a 70 minute documentary following his travels and music.
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1. Allyal Agsal Layl 2. Abyad - Aswad 3. Mateou 4. Assharr 5. Trio 6. Hourouf 7. Souq 8. Oukhfidoussauta 9. Al Lougha Wa T?óWil 10. ?'rabi - ??bri 11. Habss - Jinn 12. Sa?óNsijouuu D?óW'?ó 13. Hewaar