Walt Disney Pictures presents EIGHT BELOW, the thrilling tale of incredible friendship between eight amazing sled dogs and their guide Jerry (Paul Walker). Stranded in Antarctica during the most...
The great Robert Mitchum (The Wonderful Country) and Curt Jurgens (The Spy Who Loved Me) star in this gripping World War II drama about an American destroyer and a German U-boat stalking each other...
THE ONES BELOW is a dark, modern fairy tale in which the lives of two couples become fatally intertwined. Kate (Cl?mence Po?sy) and Justin (Stephen Campbell Moore) live in the upstairs flat of a...
It had always been smooth sailing for Felix (Robert Mitchum) and Tony (Jack Lemmon) as they ran their no-questions-asked tramp steamer service across the Caribbean. The day the cargo turned out to be...
Miles of twisting catacombs lie beneath the streets of Paris, the eternal home to countless souls. When a team of explorers ventures into the uncharted maze of bones, they uncover the secret of what...