Benedictine Monks Gregorian Chants CD1. Christus Natus Est 2. Christe Redemptor 3. Hodie Christus Natus Est 4. Litany of Easter Eve 5. Gloria 6. Exultet 7. Salve Festa Dies 8. Surrexit Dominus Vere 9...
Choir Of Benedictine Moniales Cantus Angelicus CD1. Une Signe Grandiose: Une Femme Entouree D'anges/ a Great Sign: Woman Surrounded 2. Anges de Noel/ the Angels of Christmas 3. Anges de Paques/ the...
Von Bingen / Rudesheim / Benedictine Abb Symphoniae / Harmoniae / Caelestium CD1. Cum Processit Factura (De Sancta Maria. Antiphona No.8) 2. Cum Erubuerint Infelices (De Sancta Maria. Antiphona No.9)...
Unpublished Gregorian pieces from the baroque era performed by the nuns who discovered them. On the occasion of the four hundred years of it's foundation, the Benedictine Congregation of Our Lady of...