A small town is plagued by a group of children who become hypnotized with murderous rage by a doctor seeking revenge on their parents. Film is based on the director's experience with sleep paralysis...
Tabitha is the new girl at school, who catches the eye of the local football hero. This gets her on the bad side of the high school cheerleading captain and she is lured to a secluded lake for drinks...
Childhood used to be about jumping rope and playing hopscotch... but in one little backwoods town it's now about slitting throats and eating flesh! While visiting Tromaville, the DeWolfe family...
The groundbreaking all-new CGI animated series returns. Batman, Alfred and swordstress Katana are back to take on the underworld likes of Anarky, Professor Pyg, Mister Toad and Magpie. Produced by...
Beware! The Blob (alternately titled as Beware the Blob, Son of Blob, Son of the Blob or The Blob Returns) is a 1972 (copyrighted 1971) sequel to horror science-fiction film The Blob. The film was...