Biber / Sangerknaben / Letzbor Missa Alleluja CD1. Kyrie 2. Gloria 3. In Gloria Dei Patris 4. Credo 5. Et Incarnatus 6. Crucifixus 7. Et Resurexit 8. Et in Spiritum Sanctum 9. Sanctus 10. Osanna I 11...
VERITAS X2 SERIES is the leading range of early music recordings on the market. This new batch of ten essential reissues introduces into the Veritas range, for the first time, key recordings from the...
Trascendo is a thrilling journey through that unknown dimension that blurs the contours of pain and then, guided by a wonderful repertoire for violin solo, heaven and earth come closer. The violinist...
Palestrina Missa CD1. Missa O Sacrum Conivium: Kyrie 2. Missa O Sacrum Conivium: Gloria 3. Missa O Sacrum Conivium: Credo 4. Missa O Sacrum Conivium: Sanctus 5. Missa O Sacrum Conivium: Benedictus 6...