Standing on the border between banishment and belief, Dazu turns vengeful when the Magic Knights fail to protect Tiulyu. Resentment grows throughout the Common Realm, and the Wizard King knows the...
It's been six months since the Magic Knights started training to defeat devils and the three powerful mages known as the Dark Triad. As war with the Spade Kingdom nears, Asta and Yuno begin to...
What would you do if you discovered there was more than just one of you? That's the unusual predicament faced by Sarah Manning (Tatiana Maslany) in this Canadian sci-fi series, after she witnesses...
Astaand Yuno live in a world where magic is everything. While Yuno excels with powers, Asta is completely powerless. But when they receive their grimoires, the outcome shocks everyone! Who will...
Even broken arms aren't enough to stop Asta! When the Diamond Kingdom threatens the Clover Kingdom with their Shining Generals, Asta is ready to join in the fight and help protect his kingdom. After...