A male R&B singer who arrived on the scene in the late 1980's, Terry Tate released his self-titled debut album in 1989. His first and only single from the album, "Babies Having Babies," peaked at...
A male R&B singer who arrived on the scene in the late 1980's, Terry Tate released his self-titled debut album in 1989. His first and only single from the album, "Babies Having Babies," peaked at...
Baby Needs More Mozart / Various Baby Needs More Mozart / Various CD1. The Magic Flute: I Am the Only Jolly Bird-Catcher 2. Piano Sonato in C, K. 545: Andante 3. The Magic Flute: The Man Who Feels...
2011 debut album from the Indie Alt-Rockers. In 2008, Kevin Morby moved into Cassie Ramone's small apartment in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, for a few months. Morby, who plays bass in Woods, and Ramone,...