Orson Welles's first color film and final completed fictional feature, The Immortal Story is a moving and wistful adaptation of a tale by Isak Dinesen (Babette's Feast). Welles stars as a wealthy...
Following the third-season events of "Gomorrah," fishermen rescued an unconscious Ciro Di Marzio (Marco D'Amore) from the Gulf of Naples. The amnesia that now plagued the gangster, however, wouldn't...
Dreaded warrior Manji (Takuya Kimura) failed to protect his younger sister Machi (Hana Sugisaka) from a pack of rivals... and as he lay dying after taking his vengeance, he was cursed with...
Just a few months before entering the service in a real-life role, Henry Fonda starred in this movie as a shy, self-doubting corporal who is thrust into a life-and-death position of leadership when...