The comedy follows a sheltered young woman (Julianne Hough) who loses her faith after a plane crash and decides to go to Las Vegas to experience the wild side of life. On her journey, she meets...
Tom Berenger, Kristen Hager, Paul Ben-Victor, Erica McDermott. A retired veteran finds himself mixed up in a web of deception and violence when he stumbles upon a dead body and a duffel bag of money...
Jean Reno, Sarah Lind, Joe Anderson. A former hit man and special forces sniper tries to find some peace in his life and moves to a remote cabin somewhere in North America near a small lake. One day...
Loosely based on Upton Sinclair's novel "Oil!," Paul Thomas Anderson's powerful drama stars Best Actor Oscar-winner Daniel Day-Lewis as self-made oil tycoon Daniel Plainview. As his quest for "black...
MMA star Gina Carano (HAYWIRE, FAST AND FURIOUS 6) stars as Ava, a trained fighter with a dark past in this intense action/thriller from director John Stockwell (BLUE CRUSH, CRAZY/BEAUTIFUL). When...