Japan, 1614. War is over. Samurai displaced through defeat or reform wander the countryside as Ronin, seeking work where they can find it. At the edge of a forgotten village lies a path leading deep...
The story follows four people who are leading troubled lives. James is a drug addict who will go to great lengths to find his next fix including dumpster diving. Jim is a retired firefighter who...
A pivotal work by Stanley Kubrick (2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, a CLOCKWORK ORANGE), PATHS OF GLORY is among the most powerful antiwar films ever made. A fiery Kirk Douglas (ACE IN THE HOLE, SPARTACUS)...
? A comprehensive, multi-layered documentary portrait of this 80 years young (2013) composer. ? Includes his personal and career reflections, dialogue and musical extracts. ? The film follows...
Molly leads a gang of thieves in the San Francisco underworld whose current scheme is coning tourists who visit their sham bar. However when they try to con a dapper gentleman visitor he turns the...