Neil Simon scripted this witty comedy, based on his play, that continues the semi-autobiographical adventures of young, Brooklyn-born Eugene Jerome (Matthew Broderick). Eugene finds boot camp life in...
Junior Frenger (Alec Baldwin, The Departed, "30 Rock") is trouble and Sgt. Hoke Moseley (Fred Ward, Tremors, Short Cuts) knows it. Junior, smooth-talking, good-looking ex-con tiptoes on the...
Informally adopted by a Louisiana couple after he came from Korea as a toddler, tattoo artist Antonio LeBlanc (Justin Chon, who wrote and directed) scuffled to earn for his pregnant wife Kathy...
No love story has been told quite so powerfully as BLUE VALENTINE. Oscar Nominee for Best Actress Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling (Oscar Nominee, Half Nelson) star in this honest, moving and...
James Van Der Beek (Dawson's Creek) leads the action in this exciting, funny coming-of-age story about a small-town high schooler confronting the pressures and temptations of gridiron glory. At...