Barbara Stanwyck stars as a once respectable and vibrant wife who has become a desperately out of control high roller in The Lady Gambles. A chance visit into a Las Vegas casino introduces Joan Booth...
An Irishman, departs for Africa with his French wife and his wimpy cousin. They plan to open a trucking business and make all sorts of money. They soon learn that Africa is no easy place to earn a...
Screen legend Cary Grant stars as a gangster trying to put his troubled past behind him in Gambling Ship. Weary Chicago racketeer Ace Corbin (Grant) and Eleanor La Velle (Benita Hume), the mistress...
Republic Pictures distributed this tough as leather feature about a man trying to protect his gambling den from racketeers. For Johnny Mack Brown, this was the first of 10 films he'd appear in during...
When Mike Sarno (Kane Richmond) out-cheats Fay Benton (Bernadene Hayes) in a crooked poker game, the two gamblers bury the hatchet and agree to become partners in crime. Posing as brother and sister,...