One young boy, Pete makes friends with an entire family of borrowers living in his house. Their friendship, not to mention the borrowers existence, is soon threatened when the wicked banker Ocious P...
Death has come for Gramps Northrup. But Gramps has important work to do: raising his orphaned grandson. So he uses a bit of magic to trap Death in the branches of an apple tree. Clever work, Gramps!...
Rachel (Ginnifer Goodwin) is a generous and loyal pal to her engaged best friend Darcy (Kate Hudson). But after celebrating her 30th birthday, perpetual good girl Rachel unexpectedly ends up in the...
Gifted Eyad (Tawfeek Barhom), a Palestinian Israeli boy, is given the chance to go to a prestigious Jewish boarding school in Jerusalem. As he desperately tries to fit in with his Jewish schoolmates...
An all-star cast drives this glossy combination of soap opera and murder mystery, heavily drenched in booze and sex. Feeling neglected, one of the title characters decides she's going to sleep with...