Originally based on a short story from science fiction writer Harlan Ellison, a Boy and His Dog is an epic tale of a boy, Vic (Don Johnson), and his telepathic dog, Blood, as they trudge through a...
The latest feature film from award-winning Japanese director Mamoru Hosoda (Summer Wars, Wolf Children): When Kyuta, a young orphan living on the streets of Shibuya, stumbles into a fantastic world...
Simon Ashby's (Oliver Reed) plan to have his sister Eleanor (Janette Scott) committed so he alone can claim their late parents' wealth hits an obstacle when a man (Alexander Davion) arrives...
She has the power to set objects afire with just one glance! Firestarter, based on the unforgettable best-seller by esteemed horror author Stephen King, chronicles the extraordinary life of Charlene...
Suburbiafocuses on the Los Angeles punk rock scene in the early 1980s. Evan and his younger brother leave their broken home in an attempt to escape their alcoholic mother. They fall in with The...