All eight episodes from the first season of the action comedy series starring Antony Starr and Karl Urban. As most people go about their business as usual, a group of superheroes known as the Seven...
Based on The New York Times best-selling comic book series, The Boys follows the eponymous team of vigilantes combating super-powered individuals who abuse their powers, offering a fun and irreverent...
In a world where superheroes are largely the property of the military-industrial complex-and answerable to no one-the job of keeping them in line by any means necessary is gleefully accepted by...
It's an ordinary summer vacationexcept Nagara and his classmates have mysteriously drifted into another dimension. As the students develop supernatural powers and form new rivalries, can they survive...
Fleeing her troubled recent past, Greta (Lauen Cohan) heads across the Atlantic to take a nanny's position at an isolated British mansion. Upon meeting her middle-aged employers (Jim Norton, Diana...