Brand,Oscar Presidential Campaing Songs: 1789-96 CD

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MSRP: $20.57
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Presidential campaign songs from the last 200 years. Marches and popular tunes accompanied by banjo, guitar, and synthesizer.

1. In General - Free Electrion 2. George Washington - Follow Washington 3. John Adams - Adams and Liberty 4. Thomas Jefferson - for Jefferson and Liberty 5. James Madison - Huzzah for Madison, Huzszah 6. James Monroe - Monroe Is the Man 7. John Q. Adams - Little Know Ye Who's Coming 8. Andrew Jackson - Jackson and Kentucky 9. Martin Van Buren - Rockabye, Baby 10. William H. Harrison - the Harrison Yankee Doodle 11. John Tyler - Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too 12. James K. Polk - Jimmy Polk of Tennessee 13. Zachary Taylor - Rumadum Dum 14. Millard Fillmore - the Union Wagon 15. Franklin Pierce - Pierce and King 16. James Buchanan - Buchanan and John Breckenridge 17. Abraham Lincoln - Lincoln and Liberty 18. Andrew Johnson - Just Before Election, Andy 19. Ulysses S. Grant - Grant, Grant, Grant 20. Rutherford Hayes - for Hayes and Wheeler, Too 21. James a. Garfiled - If the Johnnies Get Into Power Again 22. Grover Cleveland - Democrats, Good Democrats 23. Benjamin H. Harrison - He's All Right 24. William McKinley - Marching with McKinley 25. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt the Cry 26. William H. Taft - Get on a Raft with Taft 27. Woodrow Wilson - Wilson, That's All 28. Warren G. Harding - Harding, You're the Man for Us 29. Calvin Coolidge - Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge 30. Herbert Hoover - If He's Good Enough for Lindy 31. Franklin D. Roosevelt - Franklin D. Roosevelt's Back Again 32. Harry S. Truman - I'm Just Wild About Harry 33. Dwight D. Elsenhower - I Like Ike 34. John F. Kennedy - Marching Down to Washington 35. Lyndon B. Johnson - Hello, Lyndon 36. Richard M. Nixon - Buckle Down with Nixon 37. Gerald R. Ford - I'm Feeling Good About America 38. Jimmy Carter - Why Not the Best 39. Ronald w. Reagan - California, Here We Comes 40. George Bush - This Land Is Your Land 41. William J. Clinton - Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow 42. Third Party - the Same Merry Go Round 43. All of Them - Song of the Presidents

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