A film full of warmth and sensitivity, The Brave One is story about the friendship of a boy and a bull. Gitano or Gypsy is the name the boy gives the bull whose life he saves during a storm. The...
A crippled C-47 transport crash-lands on a remote Pacific island. For the Marines aboard, World War II becomes smaller, but no less deadly. The atoll is held by a Japanese platoon, also cut off from...
Classic "new style" western stars Kirk Douglas as Jack Burns, a noble cowboy who finds himself struggling to adjust to the times as the Old West fades away. After learning that one of his friends is...
In June of 2013, the Granite Mountain Hotshots-an elite unit within the Prescott, Arizona, fire department dedicated to combating wildfires-suited up to battle a deadly blaze near the small community...
Why don't they stop me?' Eric Bain wonders. Bain, a popular N.Y. radio host, watched her Fianc? die and nearly lost her own life to a vicious, random attack. Now she discovers a stranger within...