After transferring from a big city to the small town of Brokenwood, Detective Senior Sergeant Mike Shepherd (Neill Rea) has settled into the relaxed rhythms of country life. His methodical young...
The bucolic town of Brokenwood is picturesque on the surface, but it's idyllic fa?ade harbors simmering passions that often erupt into grisly crimes. A transplant from the big city, Detective Senior...
Detective Inspector Mike Shepherd (Neill Rea, Go Girls) arrives on assignment in Brokenwood, a small town where memories and animosities; run deep. He's an experienced cop with a 1971 classic car, a...
Murder and mayhem abound in Brokenwood, a charming New Zealand town whose denizens are prone to criminal impulses that belie their idyllic surroundings. A transplant from the big city, Detective...
Veteran police detective Mike Shepherd (Neill Rea) finds it hard to adjust himself to the quiet New Zealand town of Brokenwood-but the real challenge may come in working successfully with new partner...