Guadeloupean pianist Jonathon Jurion explores the legacy of American saxophonist Marion Brown, a cult figure whose time in Paris left an indelible mark on the French Jazz scene. The session blends...
In 1966, when Marion Brown was ready to make his first record as a leader, he was standing on the shoulders of giants. Formative associations with Ornette Coleman and Sun Ra established Brown as a...
Altoist Marion Brown is perhaps best known for performances on albums by his contemporaries, such as Coltrane's Ascension, but Brown stands on his own as one of the most creative and important forces...
1. Le Figurant 2. San Lorenzo 3. Et Alors! 4. La Colline de la Soif 5. Qui M'aime Me Tue 6. J'aimerais Savoir 7. Je T'aime 8. Pour Moi Elle a Toujours 20 Ans 9. Médecin de Campagne 10. Le Choix Du Fou
1. Les Mariannes 2. Les Métamorphoses du Vide 3. Philémon 4. Fuses 5. Amoxicilline 6. Tea Tea Tea 7. Books 8. Le Triangle des Bermudes 9. Il Schlachtensee 10. Il Trastevere 11. Tierras de Fuego