Bump Of Chicken Jupiter CD1. Stage of the Ground 2. Japanese Title 3. Title of Mine 4. Japanese Title 5. Japanese Title 6. Japanese Title 7. Japanese Title 8. Japanese Title 9. Japanese Title 10...
Miniere,Jerome Petit Cosmonaute CD1. L' Air Du Dehors 2. Les Yeux Tout Autour de la T Te 3. L' Existence Est Simple 4. Paul 5. La Jeunesse Est Vielle Comme Le Monde 6. Perdre Une Dent Un Soir D' T 7...
The psychedelic fuzz guitar & heavy-laden organ sound of this Detroit band's first album from 1969 sound similar to King Crimson, the Nice & Van der Graaf Generator.1. Sing Into the Wind 2...
Eighteen songs penned by such luminaries as Hank Williams, Louvin Brothers, the Adverts, Johnny Paycheck, Stanely Brothers, Johnny Cash, and Merle Haggard. The release, celebrating/mourning America's...