All-Star Comedy Capers Double Features bring you a Tom Hanks two-fer! In "The Money Pit," young lovers Walter (Tom Hanks) and Anna (Shelley Long) are house-sitting the New York City apartment owned...
In this highly acclaimed effort from Thomas Vinterberg and the guerrilla-like film collective Dogma 95, three grown children gather at an estate to honor their father on his 60th birthday. The happy...
Holly Hunter stars as Ada McGrath, a non-speaking mail-order bride who travels with her 6-year-old daughter (Anna Paquin) from 1850s Scotland to the New Zealand wilderness to join a frontiersman (Sam...
In 1997, Robert "Rob Rich" and Sibil "Fox Rich" Richardson were convicted of armed robbery for the holdup of a Shreveport credit union. Then pregnant and with four sons at home, she was released...