At an urban VFW post, the old soldiers would hang out sharing war stories from days gone by. However, when a young woman flees the crack house down the block carrying a half-million worth of a...
Director/co-writer/producer/star Orson Welles' landmark debut film, a sweeping chronicle of the rise and fall of an ambitious and ruthless newspaper tycoon named Charles Foster Kane, and the mystery...
South Korean teen Mija (Ahn Seo-Hyun) had a beloved if unusual lifelong friend... Okja, a genetically engineered, truck-sized "super-pig" whose corporate creators entrusted her farmer grandpa to...
Originally conceived as a TV series, this thriller from David Lynch is sure to mystify and enthrall viewers at the same time. The three principal characters, whose stories eventually intersect, are...
This outstanding look at the Apollo moon flights features actual NASA footage and narration by the astronauts themselves. Nominated for an Academy Award, director Al Reinert's stunning documentary...