Newly Restored in HD! The stakes of the game are high, the rules hard, and each man and woman must play to win! Out of the sun-bleached woodwork, the players emerge. Cliff Hoyt (Charles Bronson, The White Buffalo), the ex-patriot American trying to forget. Gunther Beckdorff (Jason Robards, The Day After), the ex-Nazi seeking oblivion. And Marie Claire Allesandri (Dominique Sanda, The Conformist), the beautiful French woman in search of her missing lover. Against an explosive background, heightened by all the hopes, fears, greed and confusion of the post-war years, the three are thrown into an unforgettable tale of romance, adventure and intrigue. Wonderfully Directed by the great J. Lee Thompson (The Guns of Navarone, Cape Fear) and featuring a stellar cast that includes Fernando Rey (The French Connection I & II), Simon MacCorkindale (Death on the Nile), Camilla Sparv (Downhill Racer), Gilbert Roland (Barbarosa), Clifton James (Juggernaut), James Booth (Avenging Force), Martin LaSalle (Pickpocket) and Aldo Sambrell (Navajo Joe).
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