After an apocalypse nearly destroys the planet; the dead are resurrected as a result of lasting radioactivity. Without an effective means of destroying all zombies, an organization simply known as...
A lonely man wandering the woods stumbles upon a beautiful, unconscious young woman covered in blood. Realizing she's in great distress, he takes her to his home to nurse her back to health. During...
Revenge is a dish best served RAW for Dr. Taylor, whose young daughter is dragged deep into the jungle after the family is viciously attacked by a tribe of cannibals while on an ill-fated adventure...
Explorer Cliff Hendricks rescues Janet from the African jungle where she was born. They marry and have four children Luke, Matthew, Paul and Rebecca. Cliff contracts a rare African virus which turns...
Eugene Levy, Andrea Martin, Ronald Ulrich. A young couple enters a restaurant only to discover that three women already there have an appetite for human flesh. This classic cult favorite is...