Carnival of Souls is the story of a young woman who goes along for the ride when two hot-rodders hold a drag race and are forced off a bridge, plunging into the flooded river below. The sole survivor...
CARNIVAL OF SOULS (1962) and WOT A NIGHT (1933) CARNIVAL OF SOULS starring Candace Hilligoss, Sidney Berger, Herk Harvey and Frances Feist. Directed by Herk Harvey. Following a nasty car crash, a...
2009 collection. The New Jersey-based Carnival label has always been revered and collected among the Northern Soul fraternity since records such as the Lovettes' 'Little Miss Soul' and the...
Carnival Of Soul 3 / Various Carnival Of Soul 3 / Various CD1. I Need You Baby - Lee Williams ; The Cymbals 2. I'll Erase You (From My Heart) - Phil Terrell 3. I Wanna Be (Your Everything) - the...