Director Wes Craven's slyly self-referential shocker follows a group of high school horror film fans in a small California town who are systematically slaughtered by a mysterious masked slasher...
Fright film faves Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, and Peter Cushing are featured in this offbeat shocker that reveals the truly bizarre connection between a London serial killer who drains his...
Lilli Palmer, John Moulder-Brown, Cristina Galbo, Mary Maude. This creepy Euro-thriller is centered in a French boarding school for wayward young women. Palmer is the over-the-top head mistress who...
An aspiring actress, Kia Anderson (Kate Lister, Unhinged), is desperate to make it as an actress. Still, with a lot of recent rejections, she begins to doubt herself. That is until she receives a...
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello are a pair of mild-mannered bookworms who pose as big game hunters travelling deep into the African jungle in search of a rare gorilla - but what's really at stake is a...