Armando Alvarez (Will Ferrell) has lived and worked on his father's ranch in Mexico his entire life. As the ranch faces financial strains, Armando's younger brother Raul (Diego Luna) shows up with...
The film provides the solution to police use of excessive force. Renowned experts from various fields offer insight into seven prominent cases while exploring unique techniques that could be used by...
In 1983, alerted to human remains clogging the plumbing at a North London complex, the police sought out the tenant, Scottish civil servant Dennis Nilsen (David Tennant). They'd be stunned as the...
One of the most talented, influential, and iconoclastic filmmakers of all time, Brian de Palma's career started in the 60s and has included such acclaimed and diverse films as Carrie, Dressed to...
Cristina Camero, Angel Gil, Joaquin Mulero, Stella Arauzo, and Miguel Lara perform in this Teatro Real production of the ballet with music composed by Emilio de Diego and Felipe Campuzano,...