Academy Award nominee Keira Knightley, Academy Award nominee Jude Law and Aaron Taylor-Johnson dazzle in this stunning new vision of Leo Tolstoy's epic love story. At the twilight of an empire, Anna...
In early-'90s Russia, beautiful but downtrodden Anna Poliatova (Sasha Luss) found an out from a cycle of abuse when KGB officer Alex Tchenkov (Luke Evans) recruited her for training as an assassin...
A zombie apocalypse threatens the Christmas cheer of the sleepy town of Little Haven, forcing Anna (Ella Hunt of Apple TV's 'Dickinson') and her friends to fight, slash and sing their way to survival.
When her parents decide to separate, sixteen year old Anna Brooks, a narcoleptic, is sent to spend the summer in a small coastal town with her aunt and uncle, Jennifer and David, who hold some very...
Eva-Maria Westbroek, Susan Bickley, Jeremy White, Rebecca de Pont Davies, Lore Lixenberg, Grant Doyle, Gerald Finley, Andrew Rees, Alan Rees, Alan Oke, Peter Hoare, Jeffrey Lloyd-Roberts, Allison...