This tense and hugely entertaining heist thriller is a Hammer take on A Christmas Carol, which pits miserly and fastidious bank manager (Peter Cushing in sparkling form) against debonair robber Andr?...
Ray Tango (Sylvester Stallone) and Gabe Cash (Kurt Russell) are rival L.A. policemen with one thing in common: each thinks he is the best. Team them and they're like oil and water. But frame them for...
In this heartwarming comedy, underachiever David Wozniak (Vince Vaughn) learns he's actually an overachiever - he's fathered 533 children via donations made twenty years earlier! David soon discovers...
A box-office hit in it's native Japan, this charming animated feature follows the whimsical adventures of a young witch named Kiki who, with her black cat Jiji, takes to the skies to help a bakery...