A bullied boy and his tormentors discover a creature while doing school-mandated community service. Claiming her for their own, the group of kids keep the creature captive, revealing the monster...
Barzotti,Claude C'Est Mon Histoire CD1. Le Rital 2. Je T'apprendrai L'amour 3. Entre Les Tours 4. Mais... Marie Est Venue 5. Io Vorrei (Je Voudrais) 6. La Maison D'irlande 7. Je Vous Aime 8. A Pleure...
Servais (Fabio Testi), a reporter and photographer, meets Nadine Chevalier (Romy Schneider), an actress who is forced to earn her living by accepting roles unworthy of her real talent. She is married...
Martel,Renee C'Est Mon Histoire CD1. C'est Mon Histoire 2. Une Vie Sans Toi 3. Nous, on Aime la Musique Country 4. Je T'appartiens 5. De Villes en Villages 6. Quelqu'un Quelque Part a Besoin de Toi 7...