In 2019, we celebrated the 130th anniversary of the birth of Charlie Chaplin. In 2020, we celebrated the 80th anniversary of the film The Great Dictator. In 2021, Le Chant Du Monde celebrates the...
In 2019, we celebrated the 130th anniversary of the birth of Charlie Chaplin. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the movie Limelight. Le Chant Du Monde invites audiences to celebrate the iconic...
In 2019, we celebrated the 130th anniversary of the birth of Charlie Chaplin, and in 2023, we celebrate the 92nd anniversary of the movie "City Light". This deluxe limited-edition 180g double vinyl...
Limited red and yellow colored vinyl LP pressing. The Talking Heads spawned a number of worthy side projects and spinoffs, but none were as funky, danceable, and flat-out fun as Chris Frantz and Tina...