Mentored by the legendary Leon Huff and blessed with a Teddy Bear appearance and a strong soulful voice, Baxter (The Ladies Choice) offered up his first-ever album, "Where Is The Love," last year...
Lester,Ketty Where Is Love? CD1. Where Is Love? 2. My Romance 3. That's All 4. Wouldn't It Be Loverly 5. Love Locked Out 6. Deep Purple 7. Lover Man 8. Skylark 9. The Sweetest Sounds 10. My Foolish...
Where Love Is was originally released in 1998 as an independent release although Ken tells us that it was a European release not available in the USA. Whatever the situation two things are for sure...
Irene Kral's superb interpretation of ballads, delivered in a subtle and emotive style gained her a high reputation with cognoscenti. Since her death, she has become something of a cult figure...