In this dark and twisted thriller, John Malkovich stars as Dr. Karn, an odd, eccentric specialist who guides unknowing patients through the reincarnation transition. When Harrison (Thomas Mann)...
Based on the best-selling book by Erich von Daniken. It took five years for von Daniken to document on film his stunning visual proof that so form of life from outer space landed on Earth centuries...
On the eve of graduating top of her class in high school, Chariote Lowe witnesses the unthinkable: the cold blooded murder of her best friend. The shock of this horrible event splits her psyche...
VCI is pleased to present this iconic, ground-breaking documentary in a new 2K restoration from the original 35mm negative! Based on Erich von Daniken's book purporting to prove that throughout...
Based on a true story, the winner of 1981's Best Picture Oscar is an exciting human study of two British runners-one a devout Christian missionary, the other a nouveau-riche Jewish Cambridge...