Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales is a series of Christmas-themed animated stories, in which each of the beloved PEANUTS characters star in his or her own charming animated vignette. Bonus episode: Is...
Linus is pushed to his limits when he learns grandma is coming to visit and plans on ridding him of his childish security blanket. As grandmas arrival looms closer the Peanuts gang tries to help...
Christmastime is here. Happiness and cheer. And for Peanuts fans everywhere, it just wouldn't be Christmas without this classic holiday delight. Christmas lights may be twinkling red and green, but...
In this heartwarming holiday film starring Aiden Turner ("Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."), a troubled war vet's family finds new hope from a scrappy little rescue dog. Discharged and sent home for the...
In Arnaud Desplechin's beguiling a Christmas Tale (Un conte de No?l), Catherine Deneuve brings her legendary poise to the role of Junon, matriarch of the troubled Vuillard family, who come together...