The Soldier's Tale is a theatrical work "to be read, played, and danced" by three actors (the soldier, the devil, and a narrator) and dancers, accompanied by a septet of instruments. The libretto...
In 2021 Hall? marked the 50th anniversary of Stravinsky's death with a ground-breaking film of The Soldier's Tale, subsequently shown on BBC Four on Remembrance Sunday 2022. This album features...
Violinist Roman Simovic directs the LSO Chamber Ensemble - a septet featuring veteran principal players from across the LSO including bassoonist Rachel Gough, clarinetist Andrew Marriner,...
Stravinsky / Wilson,Ransom Soldier'S Tale CD1. Histoire Du Soldat - the Soldier's Tale for 3 Actors ; Instrumental Ensemble: The Soldier's March 2. Histoire Du Soldat - the Soldier's Tale for 3...
Stravinsky / Rosenberger / Schwarz / Laco Soldier'S Tale CD1. The Soldier's Tale: The Soldier's March 2. The Soldier's Tale: The Soldier's Violin 3. The Soldier's Tale: Pastorale 4. The Soldier's...