Chaucer,Geoffrey Knight'S Tale CD

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The Knight's Tale of medieval wars and chivalry is the first tale told to the pilgrims as they set out to Canterbury. It concerns Theseus, returning from fighting at Thebes, two brother knights Palamon and Arcite, imprisoned but yearning for their loves. But the real hero of this recording is Richard Bebb who, with the help of Professor Derek Brewer, the leading expert on Chaucerian pronunciation, makes the original Middle English not only comprehensible to the modern ear, but exciting.

1. The Knyghtes Tale: Lamque Domos Patrias 2. The Eldest Lady of Hem Alle Spak 3. The Rede Statue of Mars, with Spere and Targe 4. This Passeth Yeer By Yeer, and Day By Day 5. This Palamon Answerde, and Seyde Ageyn 6. This Arcite Ful Proudly Spak Ageyn 7. How Greet a Sorwe Suffreth Now Arcite! 8. Up-On That Other Side Palamon 9. The Second Part: Whan That Arcite to Thebes Comen Was 10. Wel Coude He Hewen Wode, and Water Bere 11. Now Wol I Torne Un-To Arcite Ageyn 12. Whan That Arcite Had Songe, He Gan to Syke 13. This Arcite, with Ful Despitous Herte 14. The Destinee, Ministre General 15. This Worthy Duk Answerde Anon Agayn 16. To Speke of Royal Linage and Richesse 17. The Third Part: I Trowe Men Wolde Deme It Necligence 18. The Statue of Venus, Glorious for to See 19. Ther Saugh I First the Derke Imagining 20. Now to the Temple of Diane the Chaste 21. And Right So Ferden They with Palamon 22. This Theseus, This Duk, This Worthy Knight 23. Whan Thorisoun Was Doon of Palamon 24. The Fyres Brenne Up-On the Auter Clere 25. The Preyere Stinte of Arcita the Stronge 26. The Fourth Part: Greet Was the Feste in Athenes That Day 27. The Voys of Peple Touchede the Hevene 28. Som Tyme An Ended Ther Is of Every Dede 29. Duk Theseus, with Al His Companye 30. Swelleth the Brest of Arcite, and the Sore 31. Now Wol I Speken Forth of Emelye 32. Tho Cam This Woful Theban Palamoun 33. By Process and By Lengthe of Certeyn Yeres 34. Thanne Is It Wisdom, As It Thinketh Me

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