100% SILK


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In the fall of 2013 Maria Minerva mapped an eight show United States trek up the west coast and across to Chicago but, being newly emigrated and without car or driver's license, needed a traveling companion who did. Given the grueling itinerary only one road warrior / joie de vivrist came to mind: dear friend, penpal, and SILK sister Chelsea Faith aka Cherushii. The two covered over 3,000 miles together, performing in bars and towns not known for leftfield electronic patronage. In subsequent years the pair shared bills, traded tracks, and remained close-even playing live together a few times-yet the dream of a proper collaboration always loomed. The tragic Oakland fire of December 2016 cut short such plans but not before they'd written, recorded, and mixed the better part of six songs. With the devoted assistance of David Last, Adam Gunther, and Brian Foote these recordings were posthumously polished and finalized. Drawing on Minerva and Faith's most vibrant Venn diagram overlap, the tracks evoke mirror-lined music video sets, downtempo night drives, rainbow eyeshadow, glittering skylines, and sweaty discotheques, flowing from lush to lavish, highly finessed and full of feeling. It's the sound of true union, Faith's divine dancefloor DNA threaded through Minerva's chic pop hooks, rhythmic and revelatory, the best of both beautiful worlds. The collection closes with a swooning ambient edit by Glassell Park hardware-whisperer Leech, Minerva's voice dubbed into a gauze of otherworldly emotion: "I'm going astray."
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