Chesapeake Shores is a family drama following the O'Briens as they navigate through life's triumphs and struggles with the unwavering support of each and every family member. From Mick & Megan's...
Season Five begins with an ending as a kiss goodbye sends Abby and Trace to travel separate paths. With the help of her family and some new friends, she must contemplate the future on her own terms.
Season three of the multi-generational family drama Chesapeake Shores follows Abby O'Brien (Meghan Ory), a high-powered career woman and mother to twin daughters, as she adjusts to life back in her...
As Trace (Jesse Metcalfe) returns to Chesapeake Shores, hoping to get back to the life he had with Abby (Meghan Ory), he and the O'Briens each face new personal and professional decisions about their...