Short Creek is a polygamist community in Arizona where 400 Mormon loyalists, 263 of those children, live their own, unique, secular lifestyle. When a Korean War veteran returns, his experiences...
The Brides is a feature film set in the mid 50s in Western Europe. It's the story about the last months of the writer Edgar Allan Poe but in the film he's called Edgar Clemm. Besides his work in the...
A huge mutant sasquatch falls in love with a young female camper. Deep in the lush forests of North America, Bigfoot goes about his daily business of survival: killing hunters, foraging for food and...
Her name is Nora Hunter (Laraine Day), but call her Sylvia. Wartime shipbuilding magnate Nora poses as her secretary Sylvia to ward off newshounds and marriage-minded fortune hunters. Meanwhile, the...