When beautiful police detective Anna Manni follows the bloody trail of a sophisticated serial murderer/rapist through the streets of Italy, the young woman falls victim to the bizarre "Stendhal...
In 1943 the occupying Nazis invaded the Jewish Ghetto in Rome and started rounding up Jews. Many sought refuge at Fatebenefratelli hospital. Syndrome K tells the story of three courageous Roman...
An adulterous newspaper reporter is in the hospital after experiencing a heart attack. While there he seeks the help of a doctor in investigating some of the questionable practices taking place at...
Syndromes & a Century, the acclaimed film from Thailand, is a story of two doctors, one female, one male, told in two parts that echo one another. The first half takes place at a quiet rural...
When a reporter and cameraman are assigned to cover the daily routine of a nuclear power plant, they witness and record an accident which could have wiped out the whole of Southern California, but...