In the Scottish country side, a bedeviled father (Lon McCallister) and a son (Edmund Green), who has lost his mother, go through trials and tribulations as their beloved sheep dog is accused of...
During a rafting excursion of an uncharted river canyon, Professor John Butler, wife Kim, kids Katie and Greg and family dog Digger get caught up in a mysterious whirlpool and resurface in a world of...
For the mercenary commando team, the mission was clear: Breach an underground research facility, extract sensitive bioweapon data, and do it ahead of a ruthless terrorist militia with the same goal...
Cutthroat careerism, wild sex, and fierce female protagonists are all on offer in this adaptation of Jacqueline Susann's sensational and wildly popular novel. Patty Duke (The Miracle Worker), Barbara...
Based very loosely on a story by Jules Verne, two men, about to undertake a duel, are thrust into an alternate universe. Finding themselves the only "civilized" men in a world of cavemen and savage...