When a high school senior finds out from her parents that she has to miss the town's winter dance to attend Christmas Eve service at church, she successfully wishes their faith away, bringing...
Returning to his home town after the death of the grandfather who raised him, slick and cynical Wall Street trader Will Martin (Neil Patrick Harris) feels decidedly out of place, and not at all in...
For years Lucy has played Santa to her small town's community. As she grants a little girl's wish for a Christmas like it used to be, she unexpectedly finds her own wishes coming true.
Hank's Christmas Wish tells the heartwarming tale of a retired elf seeking a life of seclusion. However, his plans are interrupted when a group of unrelentingly cheerful townsfolk, brimming with the...
In this heartwarming holiday film starring Aiden Turner ("Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."), a troubled war vet's family finds new hope from a scrappy little rescue dog. Discharged and sent home for the...