In the last film he made during the silent era, Charlie Chaplin revels in the art of the circus, paying tribute to the acrobats and pantomimists who inspired his virtuoso pratfalls. After being...
A deranged plastic surgeon (Anton Diffring) takes over a traveling circus, then transforms horribly disfigured young women into ravishing beauties and coerces them to perform in his three-ring...
When circus proprietor Matt Masters decides to take his show on a European tour, it is beset by problems, while he searches for Lili, the mother of his adopted daughter, who disappeared years before.
A disgraced showman, Balthazar Kane, invites a group of social media stars to his demented CIRCUS KANE promising $250,000 to anyone who can make it through the night. The contestants quickly realize...
When struggling circus promoter Jeff Wilson (Kenny Baker) is about to have his tent folded by underhanded creditors, carnies Tony (Chico Marx) and Punchy (Harpo Marx)recruit shyster attorney J...