Based on the incredible life story of the Godfather of Soul, Get On Up gives a fearless look inside the music, moves, and moods of James Brown, taking audiences on the journey from his impoverished...
Surf's Up goes behind the scenes of the high-octane world of competitive penguin surfing. Inspired by his hero, the legendary wave rider Big Z, Cody Maverick leaves his family and his town of...
Channing Tatum (21 Jump Street) sizzles as Tyler Gage, a streetwise hunk with a reckless streak, in this exhilarating movie about never giving up on your dreams. When Tyler is sentenced to do...
Sylvester Stallone, Donald Sutherland. A man sentenced to six months in jail is in for a grueling term-the warden is an old nemesis of his who hasn't left their differences behind. 1989/color/115...