A native of Rome, Muzio Clementi was 'discovered' by the wealthy Beckford family of Dorset in England, where the foundations for a distinguished international professional career as a composer and...
In the 250th Beethoven anniversary year, Jean-Efflam Bavouzet has chosen this programme of works by contemporary composers to illuminate and contextualize Beethoven's extraordinary output for piano...
Muzio Clementi saw the piano evolve from relative fragility in the 18th century to it's dominance at the beginning of the Romantic era- his influence in developing the instrument's virtuosic...
Muzio Clementi was born four years before Mozart and outlived Beethoven by the same span. His legacy to pianists as a composer and teacher was a significant one, introducing new virtuosity and...
Still today, an area of shadow, sorely in need of illumination, continues to surround the piano output of various composers living between the end of the 18th and start of the 19th centuries,...