THE HUNTER is the story of Martin, a skilled and ruthless mercenary sent into the Tasmanian wilderness on a hunt for a tiger believed to be extinct. Hired by an anonymous company that wants the...
With it's electrifying flight sequences and high-powered cast, The Hunters is a mesmerising film based on the best-selling novel by veteran fighter pilot James Salter. Set during the height of the...
Trumpet-playing L.A.P.D. detective Ramsey Hunter (Ron Becks) has his hands full as he must deal with a superior who wants him off the force, a cop killer roaming the streets of Southern California, a...
Hunter's Bride" is a film opera based on the romantic opera Der Freisch?tz" by Carl Maria von Weber. Dreams and hopes of young people are told in this exquisite fairy tale. Max and Kaspar, both...